
Fantasy and Speculative Short Stories

A Short Interview with, The Nose

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Host: We are here with LaSean “The Nose” Hampton looking back at his time with Al “Perfume Artist” Lee. So, I understand that you met Al under some less than ideal circumstances.
LaSean: Heh, yea, less than ideal is an understatement. I was working for The Boss at the time. Now, I normally wouldn’t take a job like this, but my wife had just given birth and we were strapped for cash. So, I was hired to acquire some goods. It turns out they were in a bank. I could smell them. I knew the bank would hand them over and get the insurance money. Well, Al buried me in Terrible! I mean, just the worst smelling flowers. They were the flowers that smelled like death. This was very embarrassing for me, as Al was a joke among the criminal underground.
Host: So, you’re then offered the opportunity to find Al, when John “The Boss” Smith, kidnapped him. Tell me about that.
LaSean: Well, it was a pretty straight forward choice. Help Silence and Mother find their idiot and incompetent son or get 10-15 years for what I did. Not a hard call, right? [Laughs] Al, was pretty quick to figure out a way to leave a trail for us to follow. He left some very subtle but distinct smelling petals behind. Surprisingly, Furball didn’t smell them. Her nose was very good, not as good as mine, but definitely top 10 noses at that time. Once I was taken to the scene, it only took the time to fly along his scent to find him. Mother was generous enough to carry me. [Laughs]
Host: Then you were put on a work release program.
LaSean: Yea, um. That was a doozey. After this kid helps arrest me, I save him, the state didn’t think I should be done with him. They made me help him make exclusive perfume. He was stumbling along. He could make any smell you want, but if you wanted the exact same thing twice, he really struggled. So, we were put together. I hated it at first. This kid was so arrogant and wet behind the ears. On top of that he had a chip on his shoulder because he didn’t get the powers he wanted. It was a tough couple years getting through our issues. He had a lot of growing up to do. What really sealed our friendship though, and this was while I was on work release, was a time he overheard me hear news that my trans cousin was missing. I lost my shit, er, mind. He pulled me aside and said that we got work to do. He said we needed to go deliver a new perfume to my missing cousin. She special ordered it while I was in lock up.
Host: had she?
LSean: No. he was lying, lying so we could go find her. Because of him, she’s alive. He suggested that we create a custom perfume to give out to the at risks youths and minorities. A different sent for each group so we’d be able to help find them. We sold some of them to rich white folk, but almost all of it was given away for free. That was a turning point for me. I was convinced to keep doing what I was doing. I was able to help people. It helped Al a lot. Al was able to save people like them. It also turned Al’s powers from something that was somewhat embarrassing into something really positive. Something that saved lives. Al kept a tracker of all the people it saved. All the people that were put to justice. Al, really felt like a hero because of that. Al was. I’m devastated Al’s gone. The world is fouler without Al in it.